What we do at Horton
As Church of England schools, we are passionate about the teaching of Religious Education and value its place highly in our curriculum provision. We have worked together with our advisor from the Lichfield Diocese, to create our long term plans. They include units from Understanding Christianity and the Staffordshire Locally Agreed Syllabus. Our teaching is heavily focussed on Christianity but we are committed to teaching our children about other religions and world views to enable them to flourish in our diverse multicultural society.
We believe that a high-quality sequential religious education
(RE) programme is essential. We teach a full curriculum that prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in modern Britain. Central to religious education in Church schools is the study of Christianity as a living and diverse faith, focused on the teaching of Jesus and the Church. There is a clear expectation that as inclusive communities, church schools provide sequenced learning about a range of religions and worldviews, fostering respect for others.
At Horton St Michael’s the children and their families can expect a religious education curriculum that is rich and varied, enabling learners to acquire a thorough knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith: for example through the Understanding Christianity resource. We provide a wide range of opportunities for learners to understand and to make links between the beliefs, practices and value systems of the range of faiths and world views studied. We use an enquiry based approach that engages with, for example biblical text, and helps develop religious and theological literacy. Links with the Christian values of the school and spiritual, moral, social and cultural development are intrinsic to the RE curriculum and have a significant impact on learners.
To view our RE planning, please click here
Religious Education in Church Schools A Statement of Entitlement
To view our RE knowledge mats and key knowledge please look at our planning documents under the curriculum tab.
Class 2 Visit to Mosque
Sycamore class visited the Mosque in Stoke on Trent. They enjoyed seeing artefacts that they had been learning about in class. They found out more about what it is like to live as a Muslim. When they got back to school they made a model of a mosque complete with features.
Sycamore have been learning about what the Bible says about Creation and how we respond to this. The children made stained glass windows to reflect their thoughts. Day one is at the top of the pyramid and day six at the bottom. There is no day seven as the children had a rest, just as God commanded!
As part of their learning about what it means to be a Jew Sycamore Class have been learning about Shabbat, the Jewish day of rest.
They learnt that keeping Shabbat holy is one of the Ten Commandments and part of the Jewish agreement with God.
The children were very lucky that Mr Wolvers made ‘challah’ (special bread) for their celebration meal.