Maple Class (Year 3 and 4)

Welcome to Maple Class from Miss Royall, Miss Kirk and Mrs Lahouni.

In Maple Class (year 3 and 4) the children are encouraged to be resilient learners by seeing the potential in a challenge. A challenge is an opportunity to learn! We also try to learn outside as much as we can to make use of our outstanding surroundings. In this class, the children become more independent and begin to take on more and more responsibilities throughout school. In year 4, the children will have the opportunity to take part in the worship team and help to lead worship daily.

2024 – 25

Curriculum booklet for Parents Autumn 2024

Curriculum booklet for Parents - Spring 2025


2023 – 24

Curriculum Booklet for Parents Autumn Term KS2

Curriculum Booklet for Parents Spring Term KS2

Curriculum Booklet for Parents Summer Term Year A KS2

Curriculum Overview

Maple Class KS2 Year A Curriculum Overview

Maple Class KS2 Year B Curriculum Overview



At Horton St Michael’s we place high importance on reading and having the support from home makes your child’s learning journey even more significant. Please encourage children to read as often as possible at home.

In Key Stage 2, children continue to read colour banded books to develop their comprehension, fluency, stamina and enjoyment at a level appropriate to their ability. They are encouraged to read a variety of texts from different authors and genres, as well as non fiction, newspapers and magazines. Part of our culture of reading for enjoyment is choosing their own reading material both in school and at home.



In maple class we use Spelling Shed

Times Tables

In June of year 4, all children complete a Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) online which assesses the quick recall of all facts up to 12×12. They are given a set of 25 questions to answer, with a time restriction of 6 seconds for each fact.

Children are encouraged to use this as part of their weekly homework as well as in school to develop quick recall of multiplication table facts. We frequently have competitions in class to encourage use at home.

TT Rockstarts

We are proud to be a part of SUA Trust

SUAT supports and leads in the set-up of new academies joining the partnership. The services provided by the central support function cover both educational and non-educational support. In terms of educational support, SUAT is linked to the School of Education of Staffordshire University, which is an outstanding ITT provider.