Horton St Michael’s Christian Vision
Horton C of E school is a loving community, where everyone is celebrated and treated with dignity and respect. We aim to use our God given talents to be creative and curious learners about the world we share, enabling us to become people of hope who make a positive and lasting impact on society. We learn to love and value our beautiful school and its surroundings as a part of God’s creation and recognise our role as stewards in this. Through our values, we celebrate and nurture the whole child, helping to build strong foundations and enthusiasm for life long learning.
Christian Values
Our Christian values help us to flourish and to ‘ Live life in all its fullness’ (John 10: 10).
We have selected the values of creativity, curiosity, hope and love.
These are values that the children, staff, parents and community feel are important to them.
How we ‘Walk the Walk’
As a school community we enjoy branching out and recognise that everyone is our neighbour, whether they live in our village or far away. We ‘Step Out and Welcome In’.
We believe in courageous advocacy and try to live by our values. We show each other respect and friendship and try to do our very best in all that we do.
We offer friendship and love to our neighbours – however near or far away they are.
Local: We hold events for our local community including afternoon teas for our elderly friends; we welcome the British Legion into our school and raise money for our local foodbank.
National: We also raise funds for national events such as Children in Need and the Children’s Society.
International: This year we have raised money to twin toilets. We have raised money to fund a project in a community that helps families to build their own basic toilet, access clean water and learn about hygiene – a vital combination that saves lives
We hope that by doing these things, the fruits of the spirit will grow in us so that we can flourish in our own lives.

We received very generous donations for our harvest. These have all been delivered to the Leek Foodbank.
Easter Service
We went to church for our Easter service. We enjoyed singing songs and joining in with the Easter story.